As many of writers and publishers posting their political disappointment, I am also would like to precise my opinions as a native observer regarding the face book advocators of political grumbling and mumbling of their candidates. With high sound and fragrant smelling sense of politics approaching for the next National General Election 2022, literally cause both literates and illiterates with big debut of indulgence towards determine admiral leadership in place. The logic of elite cueing, the empirical evidence that bears on citizens’ use of elite cues in political decision making should already be sinks in their heart who’s to nominate comes the right time. And yet the voice of high profound behreacrates with student’s elites and other professionals still sounds incompetent and confuses the majority of the blinds and cripple ones. Simple questions to start on a bottom line, who are the leaders? Is it the literates? Is it the mandate person?
We understand elites to include a potentially wide range of individuals and organizations, including politicians and political officials, policy experts, interest groups, religious leaders. Personal acquaintances can also serve as cue-givers to the extent that the decision maker sees them as being more knowledgeable about a particular question.
Obura Wonenara is still on its way to discover the derelictions of politics. From my suggestion in recent on-going fb posters which really signify lack of cooperation at large towards stabilising admiral leadership in Obura Wonenara district. How can the district improve if the cooperation is totally exhausted? That is from all extremity level where the dialogue mainly projected, instead of commitment and dedication be served for undersigned profession. I see a lot of political motivator and contester not setting their work place right, family order which means their back grounds are too timid and confined where children are all over the places or not educating their children’s, family are arguing and even not proper placement. Those responsibilities could mould and shape you outward with good sound and doubtless for the rest of political ambition.
Yes, we all know that corruption contradict the root of development, but not at all could I say. In midst there are only few make their family, community and district as whole are unforgotten fallen tears of their broken heart with enhancement of their survival. The first impression will last as the saying goes everywhere. We Obura Wonerara also looking towards this kind of feeling towards our leaders for such a kind basic development that can touch the heart of youths, student’s body, school, health and other long term development later fall in line that could sustain long political leadership in the district.
Issue is becoming eminent at the public Medias such as fb , etc.. and other social rumours around all corners of the O-wan district ind EHP so I am encouraging each an everyone as educated professional to take precaution in your posts, comments and other advocates publication because live without politics is been over. Let your humour and encouragement should be neutrality and fair for all our incoming contestants and leaders of Obura Wonenara. And to our upcoming leaders, be matured and real manhood in leadership skills to handle your character and words to inspire and lead as true O-Wan leader for the future generation to imitate and improve forward .
Gemel Wox Wasi
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