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GEMEL WOX WASI Autobiography


I was born in the middle of 1990’s and raised up in 2000’s and today I am 24, from Marawaka sub-district village Kwakusilo. My education career began at the age of 8 when started elementary prep in 2003 at Marawaka elementary with basic skills of numeracy, words pronunciation and basic readings for three years. 

In the year 2011, I was selected to Ivingoi high school in Okapa district to continue my lower secondary education grade 9 and 10. At the time I was fortunate to continue my education with the introducing of first free education policy starting from elementary up to secondary under O’Neill Dion’s government. Excitingly high school day was very interesting moment in next level of education with many challenges and difficulties in terms of financial support to pay stationaries, food and other essential needs. However, I was not given up to leave without all these to do my studies.  Many times I usually have free rides on PMV’s to school and back to town, I were seen as a too small which the crew don’t ask me for bus pay. I thank God for this.

A strange moment to all of students from Marawaka being attended Ivingoi High school were no one parents came to attended grade 10 graduation that leave sadden part with a ears of the day, but at no concern we prosper ahead with daily activities. I thank God for this.

In the year 2014, I was selected at Asaroka Lutheran secondary in Goroka dictrict to continue my upper secondary education grade 11 and 12. I was streamed in science block class biology, chemistry, physics and advance mathematics according to term one performance and grades attained on the grade 10 certificate. When at the secondary was worse than high school were money was not being much concern for my study, and decided to put burden on hard working sister and parents to satisfy my classroom stuffs. But not much being supported by real relatives and all alone were my beloved friend, brothers in dorms and class mates, desks mates and my class patron Mr. Bobby Gipsy. Criticism and examples were much used and address to me as name tag from naming my place of origin Marawaka by unfriendly, jealous and settlements peers. These comments unsettled me every time in the classroom and even causing me all alone not to participate for any group work and other school activities. Despite all those setbacks and reckless minds, I don’t hesitate to give up on my studies by knowing that I am already at the door way to tertiary institutions. 

As the time approach for me to seat for my grade 12 examinations was high emotional feeling and unique moment a with rolling tears of missing my parents, brothers and sisters with other sponsors strengths and their best wishes with energetic food. Anyway, with no further as a strong courage boy, I thank God that was alone for me and has a multiple purpose for bringing me this far.

A stranger is not always alone, but there is someone in there for them in any situation of their lives. And It is God still there for all levels of situations. 

I am currently a student at the University of Goroka doing final year under bachelor education- mathematics. I am intending to further be a role model one day to my remote place of Marawaka by furthering science field course in the future. Also advocating, imparting and improving the future STEM education in country like other industrialised nation around the world. 


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