There have been increasing concerns over a number of years about the difficulties faced by Papua New Guineans living in rural and remote areas of PNG in accessing services that most urban dwellers take for granted. A parallel concern has been extent to which the education of people living in these areas is poorer than that of those living in areas with greater accessibility to education, welfare and other services. The Natinal Economic & Fiscal Commision has been dedicated to a vision of seeing regeneration of basic government services across the country. The need is most dire for our rural populations. The people of Yelia in Obura Wonenera district Eastern Highlands and Menyamya distict in Morobe Province have faced tremendous issues and largely miss out of infrastructure developmental changes since the establishment of Papua New Guinea government. With various complains faced and made...
This blogger serves as a medium of news pubilication of Marawaka Sub-District in a higher level for the voiceless and also purporsely created to figure the public about how far Marawaka people is embarking on a daily lives since PNG get independence. It will also embrace our sleeping giant in all levels of Obura Wonenara distict to fully equipped and well decentralised in their respective responsibility.